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Imperial Body Art

Refresh outdated website

Website, Scheduling Software, Market & Competitive Research

piercing in boise imperialbodyart.com

Launched May 2024


Imperial Body Art is a high-volume piercing and tattoo shop located in Meridian, Idaho. They were already very successful in the area, but they had some hiccups with expectations of clients and scheduling with their staff, not to mention they had all but rebranded the shop without touching their website in over a decade.

Outdated Design

Imperial has a steady flow of clients, both new and returning, but their website was… a time capsule, and not a very interesting one. They have specialized services that are highly competitive in their area and now their online presence needs to match the high-class yet approachable demeanor of their shop.

Reduce Client Friction

Having to reiterate and enforce ID policies was another humongous goal to solve for their clients – nobody wants to have their appointment canceled because they didn’t bring valid ID.

Keeping Current

It’s unrealistic to expect a high-volume shop like Imperial to have time to update their website on top of updating social media, helping customers, and actually executing their services. They’re busy and they need to update their website as easily as possible.

In-Shop Entertainment

Imperial had recently installed TV’s with the hopes of showing photos of their work and their products to their customers in the lobby, however TV apps and social integrations are finicky at best. They need a way to show their recent work to clients and attract new social followers in an elegant way.

Key Features

These features solved Imperial’s biggest issues stopping them from reaching a higher volume of satisfied clientele.

Age Verification

  • There’s “Book Now” call to actions all over the site
  • Users need to select their age and to continue booking their service
  • The site compares the age to the selected service and determines if they are old enough to receive the service
  • If they can, then they move into the booking flows
  • If they can’t then they’re told why they can’t and are directed to a page outlining the rules and accepted forms of identification

Book a Tattoo

  • After the client verifies their age, they can book a Tattoo appointment
  • The prospective client can choose which tattoo artist they want, when they want it, and give some details around what they want
  • The tattoo artist gets an email with all the information in a quick, actionable message
  • The prospective client gets a receipt of the booking request
  • Tattoo artist coordinates with the client to set their appointment

Update Website Photos

  • Integrated an Instagram account so the multiple posts they make per week appear on the website, making the website display their most recent, best work.
  • Each service they offer reaches out with a hashtag to pull the proper photos from Instagram into the appropriate services. Now each service page has updated photos weekly with absolutely zero extra effort from any staff member.

Turn On & Tune In

  • Staff can now turn on the TV’s and navigate to a private URL and load up the most recent Instagram photos
  • Each service has its own TV channel, filtering all the work by their hashtag
  • Every TV can feature a different service
  • Photos will cycle all day
  • When a new photo is posted to Instagram, then the photo appears on the TV channel

Let's talk about your WebsiteSoftwareMobile app next steps

Mark for ProtoRebel, LLC